You will always have these group of people who you go hiking with. Sometimes you’ll stick to the same guys, sometimes you’ll meet some new friends or join in a new group and do hiking trips together. Has your friend become the right hiking partner for you? If they pass these 11 signs, then you have found the right hiking partner,
- He/she is the first person that comes to your mind when you’re planning a hiking trip.
- Instead of mumbling around, he/she will always try to cheer you up and make jokes around, and make everyone laughs.
- “Watch out your step! There’s a big stone ahead”. That’s what he/she will do, warn you so you won’t hit on something that you probably miss from your sight.
- He/she understands your strength and weakness, whether you’re weak in ascending or descending. He/she will understand and never push you to your limit, on the other hand, he/she never gets tired cheering you up.
- He/she will always ask for group’s opinion. Which path to go, left or right? Shall we continue or stop for a rest? He/she doesn’t put his/her ego first, always compromise, and very easy-going.
- “Wanna have peanuts? or some chocolate maybe?” He/she always offer you something, always share whatever he/she has, food, water, tissue, anything.
- When you get sick, he/she will take care of you, never stop asking if you’re okay, and help you get through everything.
- He/she is not that lazy type of person who just sit and do nothing. He/she will help doing something, whether setting up the tent, cooking some food, or filling up the water.
- He/she will surely never leave you alone.
- He/she is far from these types of character: arrogant, selfish, stingy, whiner. He/she is caring, supportive, fun, easy-going, and reliable.
- You will always want his/her presence every time you go for hike because you always feel comfortable, he/she will always make your overall journey fun and memorable.
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