26 days trip (Part 3) : Gift of God “Bali”

I took economy bus from Jember to Denpasar. It’s only 60k. Yay!  I couldn’t wait to explore Bali. In 2010, I’ve went Bali before but I didn’t explore much. That’s why, this time I spent more time in Bali.

The bus started at 7 p.m. we arrived in Gilimanuk at around 12 p.m., then off to Mengwi Station, and reached there at 4 p.m. FYI, all the economy bus now will only stop at Mengwi station. It’s the last station,
not Ubung anymore. I waited my friend to fetch me. But hell ! He fetched me at 6 p.m. I needed to wait 2 hours, though i’ve contacted him every single place i’ve passed. Damn, I was badmood but i tried to be patient. Then he came with his sister and her boyfriend. I was still on badmood, then they brought me eat babi guling. First i was curious, i knew it would be piggy, but how is it look like?  When it came out, wow ! the plate was full of piggy meat, sate, soup, some pig innards, cracker from piggy skin. it’s totally delicious. it’s not very expensive, around 15k i think, but it will absolutely make you full

yummy babi guling

I stayed in Dimas uncle’s house. On the next day Monday 23. Plan for this day was Beratan,Lake Taman Ayun, and Tanah Lot. We used motorcycle to go around Bali. It will be very nice if you have friend in Bali =p It took around one and a half hour from Denpasar to Beratan Lake. We paid the entrance fee, 10k per person. All Bali tourism spot is 10k I think, same for Taman Ayun and Tanah Lot
When Dimas and I walked on the road side, I heard someone’s calling my name. I thought it’s impossible there are someone’s calling me, so i just ignored, but then it became louder, and yes when I looked back, my friend Hardi was calling me. what a coincidence, I met my college friend in Bali. He’s having holiday too with my friend Teja. Teja lives in Bali, so we enjoyed the beauty of Beratan lake together.

Pura Ulun Danu
Beratan Lake

Teja, Hardi, me, Dimas

It’s a little bit cloudy, then Dimas and I continued to Taman Ayun, I needed to pay 10k again. Taman Ayun Temple is a royal temple located in Mengwi, 18 km from Denpasar. It’s very unique that’s why i wanna visit here.

Last destination, Pura Tanah Lot. It’s very famous in Bali. We can see beautiful sunset here. It’s totally beautiful !

get on the rocks when it’s lowtide

A kind of blessing

Beautiful sunset

I had a ritual, rice on brow intended for us to think positive. holy fresh water spring which is there for a long time. and flower on our left ear, it’s some kind like medium, and also holy.

So, day one finish. Still got more stories =)

Traveled in 22-29 July 2012

Thanks to Dimas Family


One response to “26 days trip (Part 3) : Gift of God “Bali””

  1. Arip Pudin Hidayat Avatar

    wahk bagus-bagus mba fotonya. keren dehk. jadi pengen ke bali

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