freediving for beginners

Introduction to Freediving for Beginners

Eventually, my stay in Makassar for almost 4 months, without doing anything except traveling gave positive impact to me. One of the most I proud of beside understanding blogging, is freediving. Check out some tips to learn freediving for beginners.

Freediving might not be popular in Indonesia, but it’s pretty popular in middle east up to western countries. Thanks for my friends in Makassar especially Ikin who had introduced and taught me freediving.

What is freediving?

Let’s start with the definition of freediving. What is freediving? A kind of diving? Yes that’s right. The difference is you dive inside the water without scuba gear such as oxygen tank, BCD, regulator.

You totally depends on the oxygen inside your body or by holding your breath. Ups, it might seems a little bit creepy. How to dive just by holding the breath?

We won’t be able to stay and hold our breath for a long time. We are mammals not fish. Don’t worry. For girls who had a dream to be a mermaid, it’s possible.

woman freediver

Of course it requires techniques and practices. Free dive has been considered as sport and there are numbers of world record achieved by professionals.

Professionals can dive deep until 100 meters, and hold their breath for 10 minutes. Click here to see world record. Are they really human?

I, personally practice free dive to support my biggest passion, which is traveling. I love traveling to the beach, or island, and do snorkeling. I really want to take diving course but I stuck on the money problem.

Scuba dive is expensive including the equipments and dive trips. I prefer spending money for new destination rather than just doing diving in a spot.

When I first saw my friends in Makassar could go deep and swam like mermaid, I was so envy and decided to learn. Now I can enjoy swimming in Togean Islands in Indonesia, and witness the beauty of corals inside the ocean without paying much for diving , only by snorkelling in Wakatobi Islands.

indonesian free diver girl

Tips to start learning freediving for beginners

I’m gonna share few steps that you need to learn when you want to free-dive. This is the introduction part for those who want to learn.

Holding Breath Techniques

Better to inhale from your stomach not from your chest because it give you more power to suck the oxygen to your lung. If you ever take vocal course, you will understand what I mean.

Normally when we breathe, our chest will moves up and our stomach will bulge. The opposite thing happens if you breathe from your stomach. Pull your belly inside and feel the air was sucked.

Chest stays in same position. When exhale, stomach will be back to same position. Here’s the video to make it clear.


Apnea is a term for hold breathing training. Practice inside the pool. Hold your breath inside the water. The important thing to keep you stay longer inside water is keep relax.

Don’t think you are holding your breath because it’ll give signal to your brain to breath. Stay calm, think about happy things or it will be great if you are not thinking at all. Practice it for several times.

Remember about the time gap when you hold your breath and taking/breath normally. Make it 1:2 ratio. So if you hold your breath for 30 seconds, when you’re up, breathe normally for a bout 1 minute before you start practicing holding your breath again.

There are 2 types of apnea. Static is when you stay and do not move. Dynamic is when you move or swim with holding your breath.

freediving in wakatobi
Freediving in Wakatobi


Duckdive is actually a technique used by surfer for catching the waves. In freediving, duckdive is the first step to get into the water, same thing as surfing.

Enter the water with head first, push your body down until you form vertical line. It may be hard for the first time. If you are not fully form 90 degrees, it will be difficult to get inside the water.

To practice it, you may use the ladder inside the pool, hold on it, turn your body and with your hand pull your body down. Head first. Same position like spiderman. Haha. After you get used to it, try it without holding the ladder. Check out the video.


Equalization is the important technique in free dive. If you go deep, the pressure is bigger. It will hurt your ear. Similar to the situation when you have a flight.

To avoid this, you have to equalize. Equalization must be done before you feel the pain. There are two types of equalization: Valsava (commonly used) and Frenzel. Further information check this. Video to practice: Valsava and Frenzel

Bring your buddy

Do not practice alone. Bring at least a friend to have an eye on you.

Get used to fin, mask, and snorkel

Some people might feel uncomfortable using fins but actually fins make you move faster inside the sea. Snorkel is also important to get the air in relax position. Adapt yourself breathing with your mouth not nose.

Relax and relax

The main point of free dive is relax. Panic in the sea is very dangerous. Keep calm and relax. I’m sure you’ll stay longer in the water.

So, interesting right? Feel the sensation flying inside the sea and swimming with the fishes. It will be so amazing when you can reach certain depth.

I’m still a beginner though, I only can hold up around 1 minute and go deep until 10-15 meters. I’m still learning and practicing.  That’s my tips to learn freediving for beginners. Join communities, learn from the experienced one.

You can find it through facebook like “Freedive Jakarta”, “Makassar Freedive”, “Lets’ Freedive, etc. If you want to learn and get the license, find it in Jakarta or Bali. Contact Jason Hakim: First Indonesian Free dive instructor. Check it here Let’s Freedive .

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14 responses to “Introduction to Freediving for Beginners”

  1. jali Avatar

    Ahhhh…nice info. Dari dulu kepengen freediving tapi apa daya fobia laut dalam, padahal anak pantai :)))

  2. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Haha. Ya cb dikit2 latian buat mengatasi ketakutannya. Coba di kolam dulu aja. Toh nanti bisa snorkeling2 aja ngeliat karang. Gk perlu sampai dalam2 banget apalagi di Indonesia 5 meter aja ngeliat karang2nya uda indah banget hehe

  3. muhammad akbar Avatar

    i am very interesting with freedive.
    but i've never done it before.
    your articles makes me spirit to do like U do.

  4. sodventure Avatar

    btw who is Ikin? he looks like a great freediver 😀

  5. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Yes Akbar, practice ! =). Ya..ikin is a great freediver hahaha..

  6. Pypy Avatar

    Wohoo.. Thanks bgt nih infonya 😀 Dr kmren nyobain kagak bisa mulu :p

  7. medischfun Avatar

    Nice post ^^ Kemaren pas ke Tanjung Bira ketemu couple bule yang interesting banget sama free dive sampe belajar free diving di Togean selama 2 bulan. Patut dicoba nih kayaknya ya…aku baru bisa duck dive aja… huhuw.

  8. Adam Smith Avatar

    This blog provides useful information about scuba diving that help you to become a good scuba diver.
    scuba gear packages

  9. Laura Setiara Avatar

    Hello, gue laura
    Wahh keren blog nya..
    I love traveling too <3
    Anw, u r a friend of cindy winata right?

  10. Travel Avatar

    Traveling with family allows you to create memories that will be remembered for a lifetime.

  11. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Hello Laura, thanks alot hehe..iya temen Cindy. Kenal juga ya?

  12. Eaz Eryanda Avatar

    Kaloa cuma bawa temen yang Have eye on you. Andai kita pingsan di dalam air. terus dia bakal ngapain, kak? 😐

  13. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Hi Eaz, biasanya ada kode-kodeannya kok. Jadi tiap beberapa detik kode, kalo dia respon masih gpp, tapi seandainya pingsan, buddynya harus cepet bawa keatas donk dan memberi pertolongan pertama. Biasa pingsan karena kadar CO2 terlalu tinggi. Maka dari itu, kalau lagi latihan jangan habis nyemplung, naik langsung nyemplung lagi. Harus dikasih jeda untuk menormalkan kadar co2 dan o2 dalam tubuh. Mudah2an bermanfaat

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