mount prau

Mount Prau: Hiking Trails and Itinerary

Mount Prau is a mountain located in Wonosobo, Central Java. Mount Prau has a height of 2,565 meters above sea level (meters above sea level).

The mountain derives its name from its distinctive appearance resembling a boat, a fact that may not elude your imagination.

Recently, Mount Prau has gained significant popularity due to its accessibility, making it an ideal choice for amateur climbers.

In light of this, I present to you my personal notes on ascending Mount Prau via the Patak Banteng route.

Getting to the basecamp from Jakarta 

To reach the Mount Prau hiking trail from Jakarta, there exist two viable options.

The first option involves taking a train to Purwokerto and subsequently continuing the journey by bus.

The second alternative entails a direct bus ride to Wonosobo. Both routes typically require approximately 12 hours of travel time.

When it comes to cost, the train option is undoubtedly more economical. However, it does come with the potential complication of having to transfer to a smaller bus during the journey.

For those opting for the bus route, the recommended transportation service is PO Sinar Jaya, which departs from Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Lebak Bulus, Rawamangun.

The approximate price for a one-way bus ticket is IDR 120,000.

Mount Prau hiking trail

Let’s explore the five available routes:

1. Patak Banteng Trail

This trail is incredibly popular, thanks to its manageable difficulty level and relatively short duration. It takes approximately 4 hours to reach the summit.

The trailhead is conveniently located near the highway, allowing easy access by bus.

Camping near the peak offers the opportunity to witness breathtaking sunrise views.

Some key points along this route include Sikut Dewo, Canggal Walangan, Cacingan, and Plawangan.

2. Kali Lembu Trail

The basecamp for Kali Lembu is not far from Patak Banteng, offering a gentle and enjoyable track.

Teletubies Hill serves as an excellent camping spot.

Important markers along this route are Pelerenan, Ngetuk, and Nganjir.

3. Dieng Wetan Trail:

For an alternative path, consider the Dieng Wetan route located near the Dieng tourist attraction.

The climb lasts around 3-4 hours and features a moderately sloping track. Key landmarks include Gemekan, Semendung, Nganjir, and finally, the summit of Mount Prau.

4. Dieng Kulon (Dwarawati) Trail

Embark on this trail from the vicinity of Dwarawati Temple.

At the start of the ascent, immerse yourself in the stunning greenery of Dieng’s natural surroundings, occasionally glimpsing distant views of Mount Sindoro and Mount Sumbing.

5. Wates Trail

The Wates trail commences at Wates Hamlet, situated at an altitude of 1,896 meters above sea level, and covers a distance of 4.7 km to Puncak Prau, taking around 3-4 hours to complete.

This route treats hikers to picturesque sights, including enchanting pine forests and the captivating Sigendang waterfall. Notable checkpoints along this trail include Blumbang Frog, Cemaran, and designated camping areas.

To decide which route to embark on, consider your destination.

If you plan to visit Dieng, opt for the Dieng Wetan or Dieng Kulon trails, as they are conveniently located near the Dieng tourist attraction.

Meanwhile, the Kali Lembu trail offers a more sloping terrain, while the Patak Banteng trail remains a crowd favorite due to its direct access from the Wonosobo-Banjarnegara highway.

Mount Prau hiking itinerary

I had always longed to visit Dieng, with its captivating natural beauty and the renowned Mie Ongklok that beckoned me to this region.

As fate would have it, my hiking buddy, Bang Coco, suddenly texted me, “Let’s conquer Mount Prau.”

Without a second thought, I eagerly agreed. I swiftly packed my backpack and readied myself for this mountainous expedition.

Day 1: Cikarang – Wonosobo

Embarking from Cikarang, I made my way to the Cibitung terminal.

Considering it was the peak of Hari Raya, my friends and I encountered quite a challenge in securing bus tickets.

In such situations, when everyone is eager to return home, the tickets are usually purchased at the counter, leading to a scramble to secure a seat on the bus.

It’s a first-come, first-served scenario. Finally, after three hours of persistence, we managed to board the Sinar Jaya bus bound for Wonosobo.

Day 2: Wonosobo – Patak Banteng – Summit of Mount Prau

The journey itself lasted approximately ten hours.

Early the following morning, at 4 am, we arrived at the Wonosobo terminal.

To our delight, Bang Cacing, a friend of Bang Coco, awaited our arrival. We had previously embarked on a hiking adventure to Mount Sindoro together.

After taking a short rest, we promptly made our way to the Dieng area, utilizing an angkot (local public transportation).

It didn’t take long for the bus to stop by the side of the road. The path we took was via Patak Banteng.

Around 4pm we started climbing. Joking happily, enjoying the mysterious fog that covered the hills.

The climb is not difficult, suitable for beginners.

For those around Jakarta, maybe you can also go up Mount Papandayan if you want the route is easy but the view is good.

It was getting darker and the air was getting colder.

Finally after about 2 hours we reached the top.

After that open the tent, cook and enjoy the music of reggae. The clear sky is studded with stars. The moon was shining bright.

Day 3: Peak of Mount Prau – Wonosobo

“Get up! Get up! The sun is already starting to come out.” I slowly opened my eyes and got out of the tent.

I saw a little light hiding between the piles of clouds.

Other hikers look relaxed, stylish with cameras in hand. Of course I’m also getting ready to capture the sunrise photos.

Mount Sindoro and Sumbing stand proud. Some distance away Mount Merapi, Merbabu, and Slamet can also be seen.

Luckily the weather is good. I was worried because it was the rainy season again. The view of the Dieng complex again fascinated me.

So, that was my experience climbing Mount Prau via Patak Banteng.

Have you ever experienced the beauty of Mount Prau?


2 responses to “Mount Prau: Hiking Trails and Itinerary”

  1. Lina W. Sasmita Avatar

    We have same passion. We are really addicted to mountain. I hope someday we can hike together 🙂

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