Volcanoes in Indonesia: Mount Bromo

Top 10 Majestic Volcanoes in Indonesia


Indonesia is situated within the world’s most active seismic region, the Pacific Ring of Fire, where around 130 active volcanoes are at risk of erupting and potentially causing earthquakes.

While it might sound daunting due to the unpredictable nature of volcanic activity, it’s precisely this sense of adventure that entices hikers, especially those interested in hiking volcanoes in Indonesia.

Hiking volcanoes in Indonesia offers a distinctive experience.

Here, you need to bring all your equipment, as there are no built shelters up there, and you’ll often find yourself off the beaten track with limited information.

On the flip side, you’ll discover a captivating world of lush rainforests, smoky craters, and tranquil lakes that is truly incomparable.

So, here’s my list of the top 10 majestic volcanoes in Indonesia.

1. Mount Papandayan, Garut, West Java (2,665 masl)

Let’s begin with the closest mountain to the capital city, Jakarta: Mount Papandayan, my all-time favorite. A two-day hike is more than sufficient, unless you wish to extend your stay.

This trek is suitable for beginners. What sets it apart is the crater. While most craters become visible only once we reach the peak, requiring base camps to be on the opposite side, Mount Papandayan bucks the trend. Here, the base camp is positioned right under the crater.

You’ll encounter a lot of steam vents that produce incredible views. Additional highlights include the eerie dead forest and the enchanting edelweiss.

Volcano in Indonesia
Kawah Gunung Papandayan

2. Mount Merbabu, Central Java (3,145 masl)

Frequently referred to as the twin of Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta, Mount Merbabu stands out as an equally exceptional mountain.

Climbing two mountains in succession is entirely possible.

If luck is on your side, you’ll witness the best sunrise ever, with cumulus clouds forming a cozy bed-like blanket in the sky.

Adjacent to each other, you’ll find two peaks: Syarief Peak and Kenteng Songo Peak

hiking mount merbabu
Top of Mount Merbabu

3. Mount Prau, Wonosobo, Central Java (2,565 masl)

Mount Prau is not an active volcano; however, it is located within the vast volcanic complex of Dieng Plateau, where geothermal activities continue, and there are some existing acid lakes.

The name ‘Gunung Prau’ or ‘Prahu’ derives from its boat-like shape.

A short hike is all that’s needed to reach the summit, which is why the mountain is immensely popular for fun camping.

Nonetheless, the view is absolutely jaw-dropping, with the two volcanoes, Mount Sindoro and Mount Sumbing, standing proudly.

On the opposite side, the entire area of Dieng Plateau comes into view.

Volcanoes in Indonesia: Mount Prau
Top of Mount Prau

4. Mount Semeru, East Java (3,677 masl)

Crowned as the highest volcano in Central Java and third in Indonesia, Mount Semeru is categorized as a strenuous hike. The path from the base camp to the last shelter is relatively sloped and easy.

However, after reaching the last point, which is about 500 meters from the peak, you’ll encounter a steep, rocky section that will require extra effort to reach the summit.

The view up there is mind-blowing. Be sure to wait for the routine small explosions, locally known as “wedus gembel,” which are small steam eruptions.

Also, make sure you spend a night at the beautiful Ranu Kumbolo Lake.

Hiking volcanoes in Indonesia Mount Semeru
Top of Mount Semeru

5. Mount Batur, Bali (1,717 masl)

Aside from beach haven, Bali has several beautiful volcanoes for hiking in Indonesia, one of them is Mount Batur.

Mount Batur is acknowledged as the sacred place by local.

It is a small volcano in the center of a huge crater, facing the crescent-shaped Batur Lake. Hiking can be possibly done in a day.

hiking in mount batur
Mount Batur Lake

6. Mount Rinjani, Lombok (3,727 masl)

Mount Rinjani is arguably one of the most beautiful volcanoes on Earth, offering a surreal view of the rim surrounding the lake.

There are two routes to climb Mount Rinjani: from Sembalun and Senaru, both offering a pleasant journey.

Sembalun provides a savanna trek, while Senaru offers the typical rainforest experience.

The challenging, long trek can be demanding, but the view at the summit makes every effort worthwhile.

Descend to Segara Anak Lake and unwind while gazing at the small active volcano known as Mount Baru.

Don’t forget to immerse yourself in nature in the natural hot spring.

Hiking volcanoes in Indonesia Mount Rinjani

7. Mount Bromo, East Java (2,845 masl)

Mount Bromo is undoubtedly the jewel of East Java and Indonesia.

Travelers coming to Indonesia will certainly make a stop here to witness the breathtaking view of the mountain range, which includes Mount Bromo, Mount Batok, and the highest one, Mount Semeru.

Every side of the mountain plays a role in leaving an impression on whoever visits.

The detailed carving and shaping of every inch is like a natural masterpiece

hiking volcanoes in Indonesia Mount Bromo

8. Anak Gunung Krakatau, Sunda Strait (230 masl)

The legend of the massive explosion of Mount Krakatau, also known as Krakatoa, in 1883 remains etched in world history. After the deadly eruption, a new volcano was born and continues to grow.

Visit some of the islands around it, such as Sebuku Island, Umang Island, and Sebesi Island. Hike up to Anak Krakatau, and you will witness an incredible view of old Rakata.

Hiking volcanoes in indonesia krakatau

9. Mount Sibayak, Berastagi, North Sumatera (2,212 masl)

A small stratovolcano overlooking the town of Berastagi in North Sumatera, Mount Sibayak is a perfect quick stopover for a day trip when you’re looking to hike volcanoes in Indonesia.

The steam vent produces a thunderous sound akin to a passing jet, and you can also enjoy a relaxing dip in the hot spring here.

Volcano in Indonesia: Mount Sibayak

10. Mount Kerinci, Jambi (3,805 masl)

Standing tall as the highest active volcano in Indonesia, and even in Southeast Asia, Mount Kerinci never fails to impress with its stunning landscapes both at its peak and around its base.

Located in Jambi, Sumatera Island, Mount Kerinci soars to an impressive 3,805 meters above sea level and is the habitat of endangered species like the Sumatran Tiger and Sumatran Rhinoceros.

The foothills of the mountain are enveloped by lush tea plantations, while at the summit, the reddish rocks and the opportunity to gaze upon Gunung Tujuh Lake make for an unforgettable experience.

Volcanoes in Indonesia: Mount Kerinci


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35 responses to “Top 10 Majestic Volcanoes in Indonesia”

  1. muhammad akbar Avatar

    Diantara 10 Gunung itu, saya baru menjejakkan kaki di Puncak Gunung Bawakaraeng.

  2. Putri Normalita Avatar

    Aku cuma baru injek Papandayan, dan paling pengen ke Anak Krakatau. Oxoxoxoo

  3. Jali Avatar

    Lha ini tiba-tiba berubah pake bahasa Indonesia :p

  4. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Haha iyaa buat lomba hehe

  5. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Cobain yang lain hehe, anak gunung krakatau oke banget tuh hehe

  6. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Cakepp..Pengen banget ke Latimojong nih hehe

  7. ashadi natha Avatar

    Krakatau kecil-kecil, tp cukup bikin ngos2an juga. Pengen ke merapi sama merbabu ni 🙂

  8. arievrahman Avatar

    Kamu kapan mau mendaki aku?

  9. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Merapi mirip-mirip krakatau juga treknya hehe

  10. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Hmm…ketika kamu belikan aku gunung :p

  11. Mumun Avatar


  12. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Haha, bisa aja kak mumun. Aku anak mama kok, gak berani taklukan gunung, cuma mengaggumi aja 🙂

  13. waLnuT♣Tree Avatar

    Indonesia memang kereeeen 🙂

  14. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Betul sekali 🙂

  15. Rifqy Faiza Rahman Avatar
    Rifqy Faiza Rahman

    Lihat di profil Anda, ternyata setahun lebih muda dari saya. Tetapi pengalaman perjalanannya sungguh jauh lebih luar biasa dibandingkan saya, foto-fotonya apalagi keren! Salut dengan pencapaian-pencapaiannya, semoga tak berhenti menjelajahi seisi negeri.

    Salam kenal Mbak 🙂

  16. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Hehe, terima kasih ya, salam kenal juga 🙂

  17. Satya Winnie Avatar

    Ahhhh keren banget Vel kamu udah mendaki semua gunung cantik itu. Aku pun mauuuuu <3

  18. Nisha Avatar

    Oh! So what was that we visited? It doesn't appear in your list.

    Another excuse for me to visit Indonesia again? 😉

  19. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Ah, Tangkuban Prahu. There are too many volcanoes here haha. Sure you have to come back again 🙂

  20. PEMBAURAN Avatar

    Velysia, saya sedih bahwa sekarang ini banyak gunung yang harus bayar fee atau bahkan harus pakai guide dengan tarif yang sudah ditetapkan, padahal gunung tersebut sangat mudah didaki dan tanpa bahaya sama sekali, misalnya Gunung Batur yang menurut saya paling konyol, masa perlu guide segala. Gunung Tangkuban Prahu, Gunung Patuha, BTS Bromo Tengger Semeru Area semuanya harus bayar fee yang tidak murah. Velysia juga mungkin dapat membantu Wikivoyage dengan postingannya. Terimakasih. Usul, mungkin Velysia juga dapat membuat postingan di blog anda tentang gunung/bukit di bawah 2000 meter, karena gunung/bukit yang rendah belum tentu tidak menarik.

  21. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Halo, terima kasih atas saran dan usulannya. Mengenai masalah tarif, saya setuju saja apalagi kawasan taman nasional, supaya dana tersebut dapat juga digunakan untuk menjaga kelestarian dan konservasi. Tentu saja ada harga WNI dan WNA. Sayangnya mungkin malah disalah gunakan, digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi. Untuk guide sih saya juga setuju, karena itu merupakan mata pencaharian mereka juga, dengan catatan guide benar-benar terdaftar dan berlisensi. Mungkin bagi kita tidak terlalu perlu guide, tetapi biasanya WNA mereka juga ingin mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai objek wisata makanya mereka butuh guide. Hehe.

    Boleh juga usulan mengenai bukitgunung yang dibawah 2000, ada masukan gunung apa saja? hehe.

  22. Cumilebay MazToro Avatar

    Eh busyet … itu di puncak merbabu ada menara BTS ???? #kejam

  23. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Hmmm tapi gk ingat disana ada sinyal apa enggak ya

  24. Laura @Travelocafe Avatar
    Laura @Travelocafe

    What a great list of fascinating volcanos?

  25. angkisland Avatar

    wow so cool so nice… keren banget mbak blognya mantap punya salam kenal y mbak velysia…..

  26. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Hallo, thanks, salam kenal juga 🙂

  27. Cee ManusiaLembah Avatar

    pengennya ke anak krakatauuu..!! hehee

  28. Velysia Zhang Avatar

    Bisa sekalian nyantai di pantai hehe

  29. Fihsar Hafiz Avatar
    Fihsar Hafiz

    Wahh, belum kesampean naik Rinjani nih. Kapan nanjak bareng lagi? 😛

    1. Velysia Zhang Avatar

      Hahhaa, gak tau nih situ kan sibuk :p

  30. Joseph N. Avatar

    Hello, Velysia.

    Indonesia is such a beautiful country! The people, their culture, and foods are really awesome. The country has so much to offer. Tourists who visited the country are usually in complete awwwe. Great pictures!

    1. Velysia Zhang Avatar

      Hi Joseph, cant agree more 🙂

  31. Rosyanti Avatar

    Keren bgt vel as always! Aku cuma pernah Mt. Batur, itu aja udah ngos ngos an. Keep posting good stuffs!

    1. Velysia Zhang Avatar

      Haha, udah lumayan Gunung Batur, ntar sering naik gunung juga udah biasa hehe. I’ll do, thanks Ros!

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