sunset bali

Life in Bali: 8 Amazing Things That Happened to Me

It actually feels unreal that I left Bali. It didn’t come across my mind that I would stay that long in Bali, in the first place.

It was on October when I decided to stay in Bali for a while, maybe for a month, that was my initial plan. Then I traveled to Taiwan, back home, and suddenly the idea to return to Bali hit me again.

Who knows that I’d be staying in Bali for almost a year! Time does fly, and I’d say that it’s been a great great life for me living in Bali.

I’m not quite sure if my stay in Bali is a positive or a negative thing, perhaps it could be both. Life there was so chill, so much fun things to do, but I have to say that

I was at my laziest state, I was stuck in my comfort zone. No regrets though, at least I enjoy my life to the fullest.

So now, I’d like to highlight some amazing things that happened to me when I was living in Bali.

1. Home sweet home

When I first came to Bali I rented a room in Seminyak but then decided to move to Sanur afterwards.

First reason, it’s closer to where I did yoga. Second reason, the temptation to go partying and spend money was too high in Seminyak.

I was very lucky to find a nice place to live in with a very reasonable price.

The location was in a quite alley between Sanur and Renon.

Some people thought Sanur is boring, just a bunch of old tourists having holiday with family.

Sanur is definitely for a morning person, those who want to live more quite, no crazy night out.

It’s actually quite strategic because it’s like in the middle of Seminyak and Ubud. I love Renon because it’s green, and lots of good local food.

The place where I was staying was actually a new empty house and it’s run through airbnb.

There’s 5 bedrooms in total, a nicely-maintained garden, and a roof. It comes with complete facilities such as wifi, fridge, kitchen, washing machine, you know how much I paid?

A million rupiah per month! Well, my room was pretty basic with bed, pillow, and fan, but I love it cause I was the only one on the third floor, I got my own private space, also big window!

I love sunshine and bright room. Sometimes I got different housemate depending on the guests, but sometimes when there’s no reservation,

I got the whole house for myself! The sunset photo up there was taken from my rooftop by the way.

balinese house
life in bali

2. Yoga

I used to have no interest in yoga before. I thought yoga was boring cause I prefer a more active kind of exercise like sports, RPM, or body combat.

My body was not flexible at all.

In my opinion, those who’re doing yoga were just following trends.

I’ll tell you a secret. I was attracted to yoga after watching a Korean TV show called Hyori’s Bed and Breakfast.

Yes, she inspired me, that’s the life that I want.

One of my friend told me that there’s a free yoga session from 7.30 to 9 in the morning at Pantai Karang.

I decided to try it and instantly fell in love. Here, we’re doing Hatha Yoga which is like the basic yoga, lots of stretching movements, perfect for beginners especially someone like me.

But the point here is not just the movement, but how you do the movement in sync with your breathing.

Last, we have meditation session and I personally feel a lot better after doing this yoga, it clears my mind, and I have positive energy after.

From the setting itself, it’s right on the beach facing the sea, and you hear the wind blows, birds chirping, constant voices from the wave, I feel like there’s a special bond for me and this place.

I’ve tried to do yoga in different place but it’s just different. In a week, I could go three or four times in a week, so this was like a daily routine for me.

yoga pantai karang
Free yoga every morning at Pantai Karang

3. Staycation in nice hotels and resorts

Basically it’s like my freelance job, collaborating with hotels and resorts. I usually stayed for two nights for an experience, taking pictures, then I’ll write an article for them to be published in blog or travel website.

With so many hotels in Bali, the competition is high, so they want to promote it in many ways, including social media. So yeah..I’m a lucky one!

Also Read: Munduk Moding Plantation, Learning Coffee and Enjoying Nature

staycation bali
Staycation in nice hotels

4. Ultimate Frisbee

There were times where I felt bored cause I had too much free time. Maybe I should try something out, that’s what I thought. I was searching for events in couchsurfing and found about frisbee.

I had no idea what frisbee was, how to play, I just came and tried it.

The more I played it, the more I got addicted to it. It wasn’t easy to play at the beginning, but practice makes it better right?

I normally play 2-3 times in a week in Canggu and Ubud. And I made friends with some cool people which I’m gonna miss!

ultimate frisbee indonesia
ultimate frisbee bali team life in bali

5. Culture

I’ve been to some several ceremonies including on of the biggest one happening this year, the Ngaben Ceremony of the Royal Family. It’s insane how they built the tall tower and carried it on their shoulder along the street.

The culture in Bali is fascinating, it reflects on their daily life which why newcomers or foreigners feel comfortable.

The smell of burning incense on the street, the sound of traditional music played in Banjar, people wearing their Balinese clothes during the ritual. It’s very different.

My experience during nothing on Nyepi Day, watching the starts in the dark, participating in Ogoh-Ogoh Festival, watching Galungan and Kuningan. Bali is just special.

ngaben ceremony bali
Biggest Ngaben Ceremony in Bali

6. Beach, coconut, sunset, party

Beach, coconut, sunset, party, and repeat, yeah that’s life in Bali. If you’re on my instagram you’d see how often I went to the beach for sunset. It’s just something that can’t be taken away, the beach is just right in front of you.

Now it makes me harder to move on from Bali :’)

Also Read: 11 Best Beaches in Bali, My Favorite Pick!

life in bali
life in bali

7. Roadtrip

Or maybe I should call it a scooter trip. Exploring Bali with scooter is a super fun thing to do, you’ll see the off-beaten area, small villages, uncountable rice fields, it’s an amazing experience!

So if you’re keen for an adventure then it’s a must.

I usually did in on the weekend with my friends, so we would drive our scooter to some cool spots. I’ll make another post about scooter trip itself, wait for it!

8. Livit

I actually worked for a couple of months before I left Bali. It’s pretty cool cause the environment was so much different compared to the conventional or normal company.

Livit, it’s like a hub for startups , facilitate, and help startups to grow. Most of them are tech-based.

The perks working here are it’s flexible, no hierarchy, no working hours, and other cool benefits such as 3x meals and laundry provided, sports, quarterly social events, and many more which is too good to be true.

I learned a lot of things as well with the more advanced and useful tools, organizational system, etc. Unfortunately, it’s just for a short time, I’m gonna miss my colleagues!

I’m gonna miss everything about Bali, everyone that I met, too many of them. Who knows I’d be back again in Bali. Thanks Bali for the good memory!

Livit members
Livit Members

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