Category: Thought

  • Work for Accommodation in Bali – Volunteering Through Helpx

    Work for Accommodation in Bali – Volunteering Through Helpx

    Have you ever felt when you’re traveling and moving too much, you continually felt exhausted thus you just wanted to stay, collecting back your soul before you’re ready to disembark on another journey. Frankly, that’s how I feel at this moment. It’s funny while some people desperately need a break…

  • A Change in My Life

    A Change in My Life

    Truthfully it feels scary – how time rolls so fast and there’s no way to turn back. Everything that I did since university till now, it just went quickly. A year in Australia, gone in a snap. Now I’m at the age of a quarter century. I started to worry…

  • What’s on: September 2016

    What’s on: September 2016

    Hey, how is it going? I might have to punish myself for abandoning my blog for quite a while. Life’s been busy and really exhausting. I don’t really have time for myself, even when I have, I’d rather just lay down on my bed and do nothing. I tried several…

  • Things About Sydneysiders You Might Not Know

    Things About Sydneysiders You Might Not Know

    After my six months here in Sydney working and dealing with different types of people, I get to observe how ‘Sydneysiders’ behave, also their habit. Well, probably not for all of them, generally. Here, I found out some interesting things about them. Yes, they’re speaking English as the first language, Yes,…

  • December Note: Australia for A Year

    December Note: Australia for A Year

    Hello, I supposed to write about this on early December but apparently, I’m too busy (well, you know that’s an excuse, haha). Can’t believe we’re on the tip of 2015! Lots of things going on for me, both expected and unexpected. I am now residing for a while to a…

  • There’s More Than One Place I Called Home

    There’s More Than One Place I Called Home

    Home can be defined as a place where we were born, a place where we grow up, or a place where we live permanently. A home is not just a house, not just a building. It has more meaning than that. When you leave your home for a long time,…

  • My Moment in Sunshine Bedz (Part 2)

    My Moment in Sunshine Bedz (Part 2)

    Been following my previous story about moments in Sunshine Bedz? Curious? Or maybe not? Haha. Here comes to the end, I shared this story for fun and as a note to remind me, so that when I grew older and browsed through my old files, once I had this special…

  • My Moment in Sunshine Bedz (Part 1)

    My Moment in Sunshine Bedz (Part 1)

    Exactly a year ago, done with my college life and passed the graduation ceremony, the long awaited so called gap year that I had planned the year before has finally arrived, a long travel before I stepped into next life, working life. I had all the tickets in my hand,…

  • Hello 2014, Thanks 2013

    Hello 2014, Thanks 2013

    I still couldn’t believe that 2013 had passed so quickly. Lots of sweet and bitter memories prettified my journey and my life. It’s been such an incredible year, one of my post productive year (in terms of traveling). Being able to complete my personal mission in 2013 was a great…

  • When Travel Changed My Life

    When Travel Changed My Life

    Upon my traveling time, I realized there are some changes happened inside me whether it’s positive or negative, mostly positive of course, back again to perceptions. Okay, so here are the five changes: Hedonist to Minimalist Likely all normal girls who care about their appearances, I was just one of…

  • Dramatic Journey to The East

    Dramatic Journey to The East

    I’ve set a personal goal in this year to step on my foot in eastern part of Indonesia, deciding to finish my exploration in my own beloved country this year, before traveling to other countries. After almost three years exploration (I’m still in college so not the whole three years),…